Staying Positive during the Covid -19 Pandemic


In this blog, I am not going to discuss anything about the ongoing Covid situation in India. This situation in India is getting worse by each passing day. In such a scenario, talking about it or watching news relating to it, makes many of us feel depressed and hopeless. It's been nearly a year and a half since the world has been trying to overcome this challenge, the scientists working hard to find the nature of the virus, finding a vaccine, the doctors, treating the patients, even if it means putting their own lives on stake. But still the situation isn't getting better.

The motive of this particular blog of mine is to make you all aware about how to keep up the spirit of positivity and a hope in your hearts and have an unflinching faith in the almighty.The current situation, going on around us, is actually, not in the control of our hands. What is under our control , is just to take up all the prescribed preventive measures, to protect ourselves from this virus. But besides that, what is most important during this current scenario, is to keep ourselves mentally fit and have a mental peace and satisfaction.

When we think in a positive manner, positive vibes spread all around us and create an atmosphere of positivity around us. In this situation, it is of great necessity that we boost up our confidence level and keep the people around us motivated as well. Even a small beautiful smile on our face can generate loads of positivity in hearts. And as long as we are happy at heart and peaceful at our mind, we are free from all diseases and stay healthy.
There can be several sources which can help in bringing this smile on our face.All of us have been forced to stay within the 4 walls of our house and it becomes quite tough to spend time at that same place, meeting only the members of our family everyday, no friends, no outings, and not even getting a chance to refresh our mind and soul by having a walk in the garden in the fresh air. The atmosphere around us has turned gloomy and depressing since the situation has got out of control of the hands of the governments. But there is a need that we all try to make ourselves and people around us happy.

 We can call up a dear friend and have a chit chat that makes us feel quite relieved. (I personally call up atleast one friend each day and end up having a talk of nearly an hour😉😅. Just some gossips about school life, which novel is she reading these days, which recent movie or web series did she watch, and yes , of course, thinking nostalgically about the good old school days, how much fun we used to have together and the hat- trick of punishment from the same teacher for roaming without the class pass😂😅!!) Lying on my bed at night, I usually think how these small incidents and events of our life hold a great significance in making us feel happy and positive and how each event in life has its own importance, teaching us a new lesson everytime..

Pursuing our hobby and passion gives us a great deal of confidence and helps us cope up with several pressures and tensions.Playing a family game makes our bond with our family members even strong and deep.Reading novels, pursuing some online course, writing essays, articles, might as well interest some teenagers..

A popular proverb says, ' When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.' This basically means that obstacles and hurdles make us realize what truly life means and are thus an inevitable part of our lives. What we need is just a hope in our hearts that 'this too shall pass' , a faith in ourselves, a positivity in our hearts, determination in our minds and courage and strength to overcome all these obstacles and hurdles of life. Don't let the bad situations bring out the worst in you. Let them bring out a stronger you, a positive you..



  1. "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." Thank you so much Suhani for flickering the light of hope in our hearts! 💖 Keep writing and spread your voice , You are an amazing writer 🤗


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